22 November 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!



 "Feast" photo by FragmentaryBlue

To everyone back home in America--and to everyone else who is celebrating the holiday, I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving.

Today I've been baking, roasting, etc., in preparation for sharing Thanksgiving dinner with Glen. It will be our first Thanksgiving together. I have had most of the day to prepare, which is good, because it is a hot day, and I'm trying to keep cool, in between all the kitchen action. It is not autumn here in Australia, of course, it's late spring, and I'm really feeling it! Whew... I'm already thinking that, next year, I will be doing some things differently, to try not to use the oven so much.

Last year, at Thanksgiving, I was back in the States, and I had dinner with my family. I'm missing all of my family today. This is one of those holidays when I'm very much aware of the distance between us--over 10,000 miles. I'm looking forward to introducing Glen to this beloved holiday, and the traditional foods I enjoy so much. I just wish I could share the meal with my family, as well. 

All in all, life is good. That is what matters. I am thankful to love and be loved on today and every day.



  1. Happy Thanksgiving! What a lovely selection of images especially the gorgeous flower arrangement and the turkey made of fruit - how original!

  2. The photo listed as Rita Hayworth is actually of Ann Sheridan.

  3. Thank you so much for letting me know about that photo correction. I will change the caption asap.


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